Ulang Tahun Pertama 1Media

Ulang Tahun Pertama 1Media

Amendment to Act 355 , Objection and Lies by DAP

Press Statement
16 March 2017

Datuk Huan Cheng Guan
(Vice President, Parti Cinta Malaysia)
Amendment to Act 355 , Objection and Lies by DAP

1. I still remember the Seremban Member of Parliament from DAP, Anthony Loke in one of his speech to the Chinese community had said that the Chinese people shall not be afraid of Hudud since if the Chinese do not rob or steal, they will not be subjected to the Hudud law. In fact, a video of that speech has been circulating in WhatsApp and Facebook a long time ago. Besides Anthony Loke, there has been numerous DAP leaders who had been campaigning throughout the country asking for the Chinese community to not be afraid of Hudud. 

2. When DAP was together with PAS in Pakatan Rakyat, Hudud was not a problem to DAP especially to Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng. In fact, i still remember the collaboration agreement signed by both PAS and DAP specifically Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan Lim Guan Eng. In that agreement, it was stated that, Lim Guan Eng agreed that PAS have the right to pursue its aqidah and the Islamic state concept as a political party. But now, when PAS is no more with DAP in the opposition alliance, suddenly DAP now makes a major U - Turn and does not agree with PAS political struggles. In fact, DAP now says that PAS struggles are against our constitution. This clearly shows that DAP is a political party that is hypocrite and always changes it's stands just to ensure it gains support and political power from its supporters. 

3. Even more surprising, Lim Kit Siang is now trying to frighten the non - Muslims by saying that the amendment to Act 355 of the Syariah Court (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) proposed by the Marang Member of Parliament, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang will have an impact to the life of non - Muslims in this country. This is another major lie by DAP. This is because the amendment to the existing law is only to increase the jurisdiction of the syariah court which caters for Muslims only. 

4. As mentioned by DAP during the 13th General Election, the non - Muslims shall not be worried about the amendment to Act 355 of the Syariah Court (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355). This is because the Syariah Courts does not have any powers and jurisdiction on non - Muslims. The non - Muslims are not subjected to the Islamic laws in this country. So, why is Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and all the other DAP leaders are objecting to the Amendment of RUU 355 when in fact this amendment does not involve the non - Muslims. Anthony Loke had once said during his speech to the Chinese community that if you do not rob or steal, the Chinese shall not be afraid of Hudud. 

5. Personally for me, the main reason why the DAP dictator, Lim Kit Siang and his allies are opposing the amendment to RUU 355 is because Kit Siang does not want to see the Muslim community in Malaysia being united for their religion. He wants the Muslims to fight against one another and at the same time DAP takes the opportunity to poison the minds of the Chinese community to oppose the amendment to RUU 355.But in 2014 when DAP and PAS signed the collaboration agreement, DAP who was represented by Lim Guan Eng had agreed to PAS's right to fight for their Islamic agenda. 

6. Lastly, i would like to request the hypocrite leaders in DAP especially Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng to stop spinning and twisting this issue. Please answer to the Chinese community is your agreement with PAS's Islamic agenda during GE - 13 still applicable or it was all just a lie which was used to gain votes from the Chinese community?

Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng please answer this question. 

Thank You.