Ulang Tahun Pertama 1Media

Ulang Tahun Pertama 1Media

The Chief Minister, the business tycoons and corruption in Penang

In my honest opinion, it is time for all the leaders of Penang to stand up against all the corruption scandal that is engulfing the state. Penang was once a proud and clean state with no corruption scandal whatsoever. Now we are famous for all the wrong reasons starting from our Chief Minister whom have been charged in court for corruption and now influential Penang business tycoon as well being investigated for corrupt practices. 

Press Statement
Datuk Huan Cheng Guan
Vice President
Parti Cinta Malaysia

The Chief Minister, the business tycoons and corruption in Penang

1. Yesterday, the country was shocked to know that a 74-year-old Datuk Seri and his 47-year-old Datuk son, whom are close to certain leaders in the DAP led Penang state government were remanded by the Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission (MACC). The duo were allegedly involved in the sale of land in Penang without going through the correct procedures as required by law. The investigation of these two personnel are being conducted under Section 23 of the MACC Act 2009. This shocking incident in Penang has again proven that Penang has now become a heaven for influential businessman with links to high ranking state government officials to commit corruption at a mega scale. 

2. The arrest of this influential tycoon and his son comes on the heels of another mega corruption scandal in Penang involving the Penang Chief Minister. Lim Guan Eng has been charged with two counts of corruption and using his position for personal gratification. He was charged under Section 23 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and Section 165 of the Penal Code. 

3. Due to all this corruption scandal in Penang, the people have started to lose faith in the Penang state government. This is evident where prime land is being sold to developers at an alarming rate. multi - national companies are closing down and moving to other states or countries that have better governance policies and finally cost of living have skyrocketed until housing prices on the island has been untenable. This has all burden the people of Penang tremendously eapecially the young generations.

4. Understanding and appreciating the criticality of the issue at hand, the Barisan Nasional (BN) state assemblymen will be tabling a motion demanding the resignation or Step down of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for alleged graft, at the next state assembly sitting next month. This motion in my opinion, will not only receive the support of all BN assemblymen but could also receive the support of PAS and PKR assemblymen in the state assembly. In fact, there has been talks also that some of DAP's assemblymen will also support this motion as the "clean" image of DAP is at stake as long as Lim Guan Eng is the Chief Minister. 

5. In my honest opinion, it is time for all the leaders of Penang to stand up against all the corruption scandal that is engulfing the state. Penang was once a proud and clean state with no corruption scandal whatsoever. Now we are famous for all the wrong reasons starting from our Chief Minister whom have been charged in court for corruption and now influential Penang business tycoon as well being investigated for corrupt practices. 

6. Finally, i would like to say a big thank you to the MACC for investigating all corruption related cases without any fear or favor. The law applies equally to all and nobody is above the law be it either the government or the opposition. 
