Ulang Tahun Pertama 1Media

Ulang Tahun Pertama 1Media

More calls to bar Ibrahim from entering Sabah

Kota Kinabalu: United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) Secretary General Datuk Donald Mojuntin said Perkasa Chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali and his brand of bigotry has no place in Sabah.

He said Ibrahim Ali likes to "cari hal" and the likes of him are a threat to civil society.

Mojuntin said the party agrees with Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah (FCAS) President Tan Sri TC Goh calling on the State Government to ban "racists" like Ibrahim from entering Sabah.

"This issues goes beyond politics. Peace and harmony in a civilised society is a fundamental necessity as all citizens must strive for it and must make it their duty to protect," Mojuntin said in a statement, Wednesday.

He was commenting on Ibrahim's provocative statement last weekend in Tuaran calling on minorities in Sabah to stop making "nonsensical" demands and be thankful that they are recognised as Malaysians.

Ibrahim was also referring to the Chinese community's demand for the recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), adding that such demand was akin to stepping on the heads of the indigenous people.

In this respect, Mojuntin said the community's call for the recognition of Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) must be seriously considered and it makes sense as renowned educational institutions all over the world recognise the UEC.

Furthermore, he said the Chinese community is an intrinsic part of our beloved Sabah and had contributed significantly to the development of this State in all aspects.

"It is important for our country's relevancy in the world economic sphere, especially with the emergence of China as an economic powerhouse.

"We are sure that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government knows this and is presently looking towards a resolution to this matter," Mojuntin said.

Upko, he said, also believes that laws regulating race relations have to be drawn up in order to control and curb emerging extremism in Malaysia.

Meanwhile, MCA's Luyang Assemblyman Datuk Hiew King Cheu said Sabahans don't need to be advised or even worst – insulted by outsiders or, any other extremists especially by Perkasa President Ibrahim Ali.

Hiew was commenting on Ibrahim's recent statement calling on minority groups in Sabah to stop making "nonsensical" demands and be thankful for being recognised as Malaysians.

"This sort of statement is a typical case of provocation and trying to destroy the harmony among Sabahans."

Towards this end, Hiew joined the call for the State Government to bar any individual who is a potential threats to Sabah and cause disharmony from entering the State.

Similar calls against Ibrahim were made by opposition PKR and SAPP as well as the Federation of Chinese Associations (FCAS). Sarawak has already banned Ibrahim.

"Why should someone barge in here and tell us what to do?" he said while stressing that the people in the State should identify themselves as Sabahans irrespective of race.

"We only have one race in Sabah, and that is Sabahan. We enjoy unity and harmony in Sabah, let's not destroy that by listening to the provocation and the irresponsible statements from certain people aiming to achieve their personal agenda.

"Let us work together as one for the stability, progress and advancement in Sabah, and this will help our many future generations to come."